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Qu-aid Sq-ID

Secure Quantum -ID (Sq-ID)


If you require a future proof, easy to implement and scalable security solution that protects

digital identities, we are here to help.

How Safe Is

Your Digital Life?

With cybercrime on the rise, security is a huge concern for business and individuals alike. The rising financial and reputational costs of security breaches means that it

can no longer


Passwords are fundamentally flawed. Easy to crack by hackers and hard to remember for users,

they are often written down or reused across services.


Following the theft of 500m user identities from Yahoo over 1.5bn people

have had their passwords stolen!* Stolen passwords account for 29% of all

cybercrime and between 20% of all help desk calls.

Secure Enrolment

Sq-ID is easy and quick to set-up in a secure first-time enrolment


Users identities are verified via a number of identity validations- set by the digital service provider. We support the latest biometric technology such as fingerprint, iris, face and voice recognition. The user now becomes a biometric with assigned access rights and all personal data is redacted.


From now on all the user has to do to access any of their digital services is hold their thumb, speak a phrase or present their iris or their face to their smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC. We support single sign-on backed up by a sophisticated risk management engine

and in-depth analytics.

Safeguard the Organisation

Safeguards reputation and revenue

  • Avoids regulatory fines

  • Saves money on password management

  • Simple to remove and block users

  • Easily integrates with existing technology

Safeguard the Customer

Protects the user's identity

  • Reduces the risk of cybercrime

  • Removes the need to create and remember passwords

  • Allows the individual to chose their authentication method

  • Is easy to use on any device

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